Professionals Interested in mdlondon

mdlondon x elth

If you’re a salon or a self-employed professional looking to use mdlondon tools in your salon or services, welcome! We’d love to work with you and have partnered with Elth to provide you with a professional discount, but also a retail outlet to enable your clients to buy the tools your using on them, at home.

Here’s how it works:

  • Create an Elth online shop
  • Select that you’d like to stock mdlondon products
  • You can edit your shop at any time 
  • Earn a 20-25% commission on customer sales

There is no cost to set up your online shop with Elth, it’s free to have and you can also gain access to sales data, content creation tools and templates for social media. The commission you earn from every sale is 20% (25% on the first two sales) which means if you order from your own shop you will get the commission back at the end of the month.

Sign Up Here
mdlondon professionals
mdlondon professionals
mdlondon professionals

Any questions?

Join an upcoming Elth Intro Seminar to learn more.

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